Because I don't want to wait but I am trying to take better care of me, and thus my critters, by sticking to a schedule these days, I'll post a couple of pics (and I know that's what everyone really wants to see anyway) and get to my ramblings later.
We went to Sauvie's Island for lack of any better suggestions. I had posted to Facebook asking for personal experience/suggestions but really didn't get anything that were closer to home. I really like a place called Lakeview Farms and I'm sure if I dig back in my blog far enough I've shared about our adventures there in the past. However, they are a solid hour's drive west from us and that's a bit much in the car for Vegas these days. Sauvie's is a half hour which is plenty. Knowing I could find at least one place I was familiar with good photo-ops and pretty scenery was what I needed. I would love to find a bit more photogenic places in the future but that will just take time and energy to make the tour 'o' farms, I suppose, to figure it out.
So we hit up
Bella Organic Farms first. I've been there before. They have easily accessible parking, clearly marked entrance and exit, and a homey atmosphere.
Here's Vegas hanging out in the BRIGHT sunshine at the front of the corn maze. She really needed her shades today. Maybe a cool coat, too.
Then she just decided to go be with the band for a few. I know she needs to put a few pounds on but thankfully not as many as these guys!
This should have been a great shot. For a year and a half or so I've been doing my darndest to shoot manual. However, that doesn't always work these days with a senior dog and achy bones. Asking her to hold poses for any length of time just isn't fair when I have a learning curve. And going from shade to sun to shade to sun and my not knowing how to change settings quickly, well, it just didn't work out - mostly because the lighting overshot the backdrop and you cannot see the words. Oh well. She's a great sport. People, of course, were in awe of her as always with her cooperation with me.

And here she is, Miss America...... Miss Beautiful.... Miss Wonderful? Okay, all of the above. She's my everything. Such a trooper. Did I mention it was dry and fabulous out there? There were even clover growing where these pumpkins were. I'm always fascinated by pumpkin "patches." So often it's not even where they were grown. They are just a place to place them for customer convenience sake. Anyway, it worked for us with the cornstalks in the background. The bigger patch was further away and I didn't want her walking that far. So we took full advantage here of the lusher setting, full, dark pumpkins. And my pretty poser. She's a pro through and through.
Here's a few more and I'll call it a night. More tomorrow on the rest of our outing.