Sunday, July 6, 2014


This year I made a promise to myself I'd try to blog more. Doesn't seem to be happening as I realize it's been six weeks since my last post. I can always keep trying. It's been a busy spring and summer with lots of household projects, yard work, and the like. I guess I just simply haven't spent that much time at the computer and since we're also not really doing any dog sports, I have less to write about. That said, I'll just do a hodgepodge of pictures for catch-up including our sharing photos of our fun visitor.

In late May we visited a new (to us) park in Hillsboro. Vegas found water.

Such a good poser. She wanted to try and put all four up there.
Cool bridge.
Over Memorial Day weekend we visited our favorite walking-to spot, Pacific University. The bench was brightly painted in honor of the graduates of the class of 2014.

"Mama, there are squirrels up there."

Patriotic posing on University Ave.
And we had a grad of our own to congratulate - my oldest son graduated high school. Congratulations, Kane!
Just lounging in the backyard. 
We sometimes venture up to the large campus of what used to be the middle school I went to (which was previously a high school) and is now an upper elementary campus. The fields are huge and we can usually kill an hour and about 2 miles meandering around the entire thing twice.

Queen of the Hill
Always up for a good back scratch and roll.

Pretty inquisitive face.
This photo is for reference to show exactly how big these leaves are. I have no idea what this tree is. I thought it was a tightly growing bunch of sunflowers as the leaves are similar. But when I got close to investigate it was actually the strangest thing. There are branches growing out from the bottom of the "tree" like the shape of the bottom of the letter "U" as well as those flat across the ground then upward. The leaves are gigantic and you can see how the entire thing dwarfs Vegas (below).

I love her zig-zag. <3 p="">
We enjoyed a delightful day at the coast recently, too, on one of the most gorgeous days the PNW ever sees - particularly at the coast. The water was WARM! That never happens.

We went to Fort Stevens where the mighty Columbia River meets the Pacific Ocean. We had the beaches all to ourselves. It was incredible. The dogs were able to run. The scenery was amazing. The company good. We were happy campers.

Aaaaaannnnnd, that brings us to today. :) And a stripey photo for you. :) Our visitor is my friend, Christy's, puppy, Diva. She came for a visit Wednesday evening and is staying with us for a few weeks. 

Very hot dogs.

Vegas is tolerating her quite well. Puppy hasn't gotten to the obnoxious stage with playing yet where she pushes V's buttons. So far so great!

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Does anyone have a dog that gets real weird if you try to get on a swing? Can you swing with your dog in proximity?
So Vegas, my sweet, sweet Vegas who is usually so even keel, has never been one to get completely agitated at me unless it's out of excitement to do something or for something, but wow. Swinging brings out a Vegas I've never met anywhere else. Even if I ask her to sit and stay - or just stay - away from the swings, I am completely unable to swing with Vegas present. It's hard to describe her response. She pushes into me, blocks me, jumps incessantly at me, and even acts as if she would possibly use her mouth on my arm to pull me away. It's unreal. Someday I'll figure out how to get video of her reaction. In the meantime, I'm curious 1) What is the cause? and 2) Does anyone else's dog react this way about something? If so, what is that something that sets them off?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hot (Damn) May

May sure came in with a bang. Rainy, rainy, stormy, and hot, hot, hot. Seriously. In Oregon we're not used to crazy upper 80s in May. Well, truth be told, not much anytime. :) But certainly not in May when one day was in the 50s and the next BOOM!

We've been laying low the last couple, but tonight we ventured out on a short walk and I think the dogs thoroughly enjoyed themselves. They sniffed flowers, Vegas spotted some squirrels and had to call on her inner self-control not to drag Leo and I after it. I love, love, love her drive still ever so present - and the fact that after every squirrel she sees she checks trees for a short while following "just in case." Silly girl.

Here's a little "Recall" action from tonight.

With the hot weather, I'm reminded of what we did just a couple short years ago when the temperatures soared. Hoping to find a place to go swimming again this summer close to home. Enjoy this blast from two years past:

Things have been pretty busy as of late. The mower has been down so we haven't spent as much time hanging out and playing or doing agility drills, etc. as we would have were the grass short. But of course I've taken pictures of what we have done. Here's a few "catch-up" images.

Can you guess what she sees/hears?

Thirsty pup! Oh the advantages of being a big dog!

I've been remiss in putting a really exciting post up here so I'll try and get that done tomorrow night or over the weekend. Very, very exciting!